
Get customizable, secure, and high-assurance HSM solutions designed and built to the highest standards.


Why Choose HSMaaS?


  • Get the ability to easily adjust your cryptographic key management solutions to meet your growing needs.
  • Efficiently manage and meet the growing demands of your fluctuating workloads.
  • No requirement for any significant upfront investments or infrastructure overhaul.

Quicker Deployment

  • Experience the ease of rapid deployment with pre-configured, ready-to-use solutions.
  • Reduce your IT overload with a streamlined implementation process.
  • Save on your internal resources with managed HSM options for provisioning, configuration, patching, and maintenance tasks.

Advanced Data Protection

  • Utilize FIPS 140-2 Level 3 certified HSMs to provide optimum security.
  • Get implementation for secure code execution and strict access controls.
  • Meet all the compliance requirements and get protection from threats and vulnerabilities.

Experience the Ease of HSM Management with Unparalleled Benefits

Supervised expertise

Supervised expertise

Ensure that all operations are supervised by dedicated professionals, which ensures enhanced overall security and uninterrupted assistance.

Performance-based pricing

We simplify budgeting for you by aligning costs with your actual usage and critical security needs.

Performance-based pricing
Vendor-agnostic flexibility

Vendor-agnostic flexibility

We offer various deployments that meet your specific requirements (on-prem and cloud options) to ensure maximum adaptability.

Key Features

Multiple Deployment Options To Choose From

We build and manage HSM infrastructure customized to meet your business requirements. We understand that every organization has unique needs, and we offer both on-premises and cloud deployment options to build the HSM architecture that is just right for you.


An on-premise HSM is a good option for enterprises with one or more of the following scenarios:

  • Large organizations that require complete and isolated control over their key management mechanisms and have a clear business case for the high investments needed in an on-premises HSM.
  • Organizations that operate in countries with strict requirements on data localization and where cloud providers may not have a local data center in that location.
  • Applications with intensive cryptographic operations and a need for high performance, where offloading the cryptographic functions from an application server to a local HSM can significantly improve the application.
  • Applications that require very low latency, where an HSM is in the same data center as the application, can make a big difference.
  • Organizations with predictable workloads, where it is unlikely that the business requirements and transaction volumes will exceed the capacity of the HSM shortly.

Cloud-Based HSM:

A cloud-based HSM is a good option for enterprises with one or more of the following scenarios:

Cloud Based
  • Small and medium organizations that already use many cloud services and the high investments for on-premise HSMs may not be feasible.
  • We classify Cloud-based HSM into Public Cloud HSM Services and Third-Party HSM Services, depending on your needs.
  • Public Cloud HSM Services offer Single-tenant/dedicated or Multi-tenant services (e.g., AWS, Azure), whereas others provide only Multi-tenant services (e.g., GCP KMS, Oracle Key Vault).
  • In Third-Party HSM Services, you can leverage multi-cloud platforms managed through the central management portal (e.g., DPoD); thus, these HSM Services are best suited for organizations with multi-cloud strategies.
  • Organizations who want to test or pilot multiple HSM services with minimal upfront investments before committing to a vendor.
  • Organizations with fewer workloads and application performance and latency requirements may not require a dedicated, on-premise HSM.
  • Organizations with highly variable workloads might require elasticity, i.e., scaling up and scaling down the HSM infrastructure.
  • Organizations prefer a predictable, operational expenditure (Opex) based financial model offered by the cloud rather than the high upfront capital investments needed by an on-premise HSM.

We provide both kinds of options for HSM

Dedicated HSM

Ideal for organizations that need a new HSM infrastructure and require designing and deploying.

An Azure Dedicated HSM is most suitable for “lift-and-shift” scenarios that require direct and sole access to HSM devices.

Managed HSM

This service is ideal for organizations with the HSM infrastructure but requires assistance with management. We handle HSM provisioning, configuration, patching, and maintenance.

Suitable for Easily migrating your existing applications that use a vault (a multi-tenant) to use Managed HSMs.

Frequently Asked Questions

At what stage can I get HSM-as-a-Service?

The product is suitable for customers who already have an existing HSM infrastructure or are planning for a new HSM infrastructure.

What product options of HSM-as-a-Service are offered in the service?

The product options available for HSMaaS are Entrust nshield HSM, Thales Luna 7 HSM and Futurex HSM.

What are the available service options available for enterprises?

We offer on-premises HSM, cloud-based HSM and hybrid HSM options based on your enterprise needs.

Will I be able to meet all compliance requirements with HSM-as-a-Service?

Our HSM solutions fulfill all the compliancy requirements, including FIPS and PCI DSS.

Can I integrate HSM-as-a-Service with my existing applications?

Yes, the HSM-as-a-Service can be integrated with key enterprise applications like AD, CTM, CCC and more.

Can I customize my HSM-as-a-Service solution to meet my specific needs?

Yes, all HSM solutions are designed to meet specifications and all the requirements of your organization.

How do you ensure the safety of keys in your HSM-as-a-Service solution?

Our security solutions ensure the protection of keys that meet the stringent standards of FIPS 140-2 Level 3 and eIDAS certification. These standards ensure that our clients’ keys are secure from physical and logical attacks.

How do you monitor and manage access controls for HSM-as-a-Service?

With access control policies, multi-factor authentication, enforcing least privileges for security reasons, logging & auditing, and frequent updates, we make sure that we securely monitor and manage access controls for HSM-as-a-Service.

How do you ensure that your HSM-as-a-Service solution meets performance and scalability requirements?

Our HSM-as-a-Service solution complies with all well-defined performance and scalability requirements through frequent evaluation of HaaS (HSM-as-a-Service) providers, regular testing and monitoring performance & scalability while ensuring high availability.

How do you ensure that your HSM-as-a-Service solution is compatible with different operating systems and applications?

We ensure that our HSM-as-a-Service is compatible with multiple operating systems and applications by using industry standards, testing compatibility, checking HSM vendor support, and customizing the solution as per your requirements.

Who is Encryption Consulting?

A trusted name in the cyber security industry that offers customer-focused solutions and services with its expertise in encryption technologies and data protection solutions.

Experience Secure, Easy & Quick HSMaaS

Explore how we can boost your organization's crypto security with our tailored on-premise and cloud-based HSM service options

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