Code Signing Reading Time: 7 minutes

Perform Signing with Jarsigner and PKCS#11 Library

Code signing is a critical process in software development that ensures the authenticity and integrity of applications, protecting them from tampering and unauthorized modifications. To enhance this process, Encryption Consulting’s PKCS#11 library offers a powerful solution for performing code signing with Jarsigner across multiple operating systems, including Windows, Linux (Ubuntu), and macOS.


The Jarsigner tool, included in the Java Development Kit (JDK), provides a robust mechanism for digitally signing files, making it an essential tool for Java developers distributing applications across various platforms.

It helps to sign the below mentioned file types:

  • .jar: Java Archive files, which are general-purpose archives for Java classes and resources.  
  • .ear: Enterprise Archive files, used for packaging Java EE enterprise applications.  
  • .war: Web Application Archive files, used for packaging Java web applications.  
  • .sar: Service Archive files, used for packaging services in some Java EE environments.

Configuration of PKCS#11 Wrapper on Ubuntu


Before we look into the process of signing using Jarsigner Tool and our PKCS11 Wrapper in Linux (Ubuntu) machine, ensure the following are ready:

  • Ubuntu Version:Ubuntu version 22.04 or later (tested environment is Ubuntu 24.02)  
  • Dependencies:Install liblog4cxx12 and curl. 

To install the dependencies, run the following commands

  • sudo apt-get install curl 
  • sudo apt-get install liblog4cxx12 

Installing EC’s PKCS#11 Wrapper 

Step 1: Go to EC CodeSign Secure’s v3.02’sSigning Tools section and download the PKCS#11 Wrapper for Ubuntu.  

EC Signing tools

Step 2: After that, generate a P12 Authentication certificate from the System Setup > User > Generate Authentication Certificate dropdown.

P12 Authentication certificate

Step 3: Go to your Ubuntu client system and edit the configuration files (ec_PKCS#11client.ini and PKCS#11properties.cfg) downloaded in the PKCS#11 Wrapper. 

edit config files ubuntu

Install Java on your Ubuntu machine.

You will also need to install Java (Java 8-17) on your Ubuntu machine for Jarsigner to work with our PKCS11 Wrapper.

Step 1: Install Java 17 on your Ubuntu machine.

sudo apt install openjdk-17-jdk

install java command

Step 2: Set Java 17 as the active version 

sudo update-alternatives –config java

set active version

Step 3: Check whether Java has been installed properly or not 

java -version

check java version

Step 4: Set Java 17 as the active version.

Run: nano ~/.bashrc

After running the above command, add these lines at the end of the file:

export JAVA_HOME=<Path of Java 17 bin folder>

export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

set java17 active version

Press Ctrl + X, then Y to confirm, and then Enter to save.

Step 5: Reload the bashrc file

Run: source ~/.bashrc

Step 6: Check is the variable has been set


If not, then open a new terminal and try again.


Step 1: Change the working directory of the terminal to the folder that contains your “ec_pkcs11client.ini” and “pkcs11properties.cfg” files.

Change Working Directory

Step 2: Run the signing command from this directory. 

<Path of Jarsigner tool> -keystore NONE -storepass NONE -storetype PKCS11 -sigalg SHA256withRSA -providerClass -providerArg <Path of pkcs11properties.cfg> -signedjar <Path of the file after signing> <Path of the file to be signed> <Key alias of the signing certificate> -tsa

A sample command is provided below:

jarsigner -keystore NONE -storepass NONE -storetype PKCS11 -sigalg SHA256withRSA -providerClass -providerArg pkcs11properties.cfg -signedjar helloworld_signed.jar helloworld.jar gpg2 -tsa


Step 1: For Verification, run the following command:

<Path of Jarsigner tool> -verify <Path of the file after signing> -certs -verbose

Step 2: A sample command is provided below:

jarsigner -verify helloworld_signed.jar -certs -verbose

Configuration of PKCS#11 Wrapper on Windows


Before we look into the process of using Jarsigner Tool and our PKCS11 Wrapper on a Windows machine, ensure the following are ready:

  • Windows Version: Windows 11 (tested environment is Windows 11 23H2) 

Installing EC’s PKCS#11 Wrapper 

Step 1: Go to EC CodeSign Secure’s v3.02’s Signing Tools section and download the PKCS#11 Wrapper for Windows.  

EC Signing tool windows

Step 2: After that, generate a P12 Authentication certificate from the System Setup > User > Generate Authentication Certificate dropdown.

P12 Authentication certificate

Step 3: Go to your Windows client system and edit the configuration files (ec_PKCS#11client.ini and PKCS#11properties.cfg) downloaded in the PKCS#11 Wrapper. 

Edit config files
Edit config files

Install Java on your Windows machine

You will also need to install Java (Java 8-22) on your Windows machine for Jarsigner to work with our PKCS11 Wrapper.

Step 1: Install Java 22 (.exe installer) on your Windows machine from Oracle’s official site.

install java windows

Step 2: Follow the instructions to install Java 22 on your machine.

Java install steps
Java install steps

Step 3: Set Java 22 as the active version by storing the bin path in the PATH variable.

set java as active version


Step 1: Change the working directory of the terminal to the folder that contains your “ec_pkcs11client.ini” and “pkcs11properties.cfg” files.

change working directory

Step 2: Run the signing command from this directory. 

<Path of Jarsigner tool> -keystore NONE -storepass NONE -storetype PKCS11 -sigalg SHA256withRSA -providerClass -providerArg <Path of pkcs11properties.cfg> -signedjar <Path of the file after signing> <Path of the file to be signed> <Key alias of the signing certificate> -tsa

A sample command is provided below:

jarsigner -keystore NONE -storepass NONE -storetype PKCS11 -sigalg SHA256withRSA -providerClass -providerArg pkcs11properties.cfg -signedjar helloworld_signed.jar helloworld.jar gpg2 -tsa


Step 1: For Verification, run the following command:

<Path of Jarsigner tool> -verify <Path of the file after signing> -certs -verbose

Step 2: A sample command is provided below:

jarsigner -verify helloworld_signed.jar -certs -verbose

Configuration of PKCS#11 Wrapper on MacOS


Before we look into the process of using Jarsigner Tool and our PKCS11 Wrapper on a MacOS machine, ensure the following are ready:

  • MacOS Version: Sequoia 15.2 (tested environment Sequoia 15.2) 
  • Dependencies:Install liblog4cxx and curl. 

To install the dependencies, run the following commands

  • brew install curl
  • brew install log4cxx

    Installing EC’s PKCS#11 Wrapper 

    Step 1: Go to EC CodeSign Secure’s v3.02’s Signing Tools section and download the PKCS#11 Wrapper for MacOS.  

    EC Signing tools mac

    Step 2:  After that, generate a P12 Authentication certificate from the System Setup > User > Generate Authentication Certificate dropdown.

    P12 Authentication certificate

    Step 3: Go to your MacOS client system and edit the configuration files (ec_PKCS#11client.ini and PKCS#11properties.cfg) downloaded in the PKCS11 Wrapper.

    Edit config file

    Install Java on your MacOS machine.

    You will also need to install Java (Java 8-17) on your MacOS machine for Jarsigner to work with our PKCS11 Wrapper.

    Step 1: Install Java 17 on your MacOS machine.

    brew install openjdk@17

    Step 2: Find the location where Java 17 is installed on your machine

    brew info to openjdk@17

    Step 3: Set Java 17 as the active version.

    For Zsh: nano ~/.zshrc

    For Bash: nano ~/.bash_profile

    After running the above command, add these lines:

    export PATH=<Path of Java 17 bin folder>:$PATH

    export JAVA_HOME=<Path of Java 17 bin folder>

    set java as active

    Step 4: Reload the environment variables

    For Zsh: source ~/.zshrc 

    For Bash: source ~/.bash_profile


    Step 1: Change the working directory of the terminal to the folder that contains your “ec_pkcs11client.ini” and “pkcs11properties.cfg” files.

    Step 2: Run the signing command from this directory. 

    <Path of Jarsigner tool> -keystore NONE -storepass NONE -storetype PKCS11 -sigalg SHA256withRSA -providerClass -providerArg <Path of pkcs11properties.cfg> -signedjar <Path of the file after signing> <Path of the file to be signed> <Key alias of the signing certificate> -tsa

    A sample command is provided below:

    jarsigner -keystore NONE -storepass NONE -storetype PKCS11 -sigalg SHA256withRSA -providerClass -providerArg pkcs11properties.cfg -signedjar helloworld_signed.jar helloworld.jar gpg2 -tsa


    Step 1: For Verification, run the following command:

    <Path of Jarsigner tool> -verify <Path of the file after signing> -certs -verbose

    Step 2: A sample command is provided below:

    jarsigner -verify helloworld_signed.jar -certs -verbose


    Encryption Consulting’s CodeSign Secure takes code signing to the next level by offering a comprehensive platform that not only streamlines the signing process but also significantly bolsters organizational security. By leveraging advanced features like Hardware Security Module integration, client-side hashing, and virus scanning, CodeSign Secure ensures that signing keys remain safeguarded and that signed applications are free from malware.

    CodeSign Secure integrates effortlessly into CI/CD pipelines, making it ideal for organizations aiming to automate and scale their development workflows while adhering to strict security policies. With detailed audit trails and policy enforcement, it provides transparency and accountability, helping businesses meet compliance requirements and build trust with their users.

    By integrating seamlessly with Jarsigner, Encryption Consulting’s PKCS#11 library simplifies the configuration and execution of signing tasks, providing a consistent and secure experience regardless of the platform. Whether you’re developing on Windows, deploying on Ubuntu, or testing on macOS, this library empowers developers to maintain high security standards with minimal complexity.

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    Datasheet of Code Signing Solution

    Code signing is a process to confirm the authenticity and originality of digital information such as a piece of software code.


    About the Author

    Aryan Kumar's profile picture

    Aryan Ajay Kumar is a cybersecurity consultant at Encryption Consulting. He safeguards data for clients by leveraging his knowledge of various technical domains, such as PKI, HSM, and Code Signing. His programming skills and knowledge of data science further enhance his ability to create complex cloud solutions. Aryan's impressive track record includes successful collaborations with top organizations on high-profile projects. Aryan's life also extends far beyond the world of cybersecurity. He enjoys playing football and is an avid reader. He is always seeking new ways to grow personally and professionally and loves various creative pursuits, like crafting or watching an inspiring movie. His passion for life and work enables him to contribute unique ideas and unwavering dedication.

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